Gasteria ‘Little Warty’


SKU: SGL00989 Category:


Gasteria cv. ‘Little Warty’ is a cross between Gasteria batesiania and Gasteria cv. Old Man Silver obtained by the Australian hybridizer David Cumming. It is a nice plant with attractive leaf color that clumps easily slowly but steadily. The white and green color along with its hard plastic appearance makes it look very unusual. It is indeed quite unstable with several slightly different clones and growing forms are available. Leaves are distichous and more or less spiraled, firm, bright green (to dark green in full sun) with raised pale silvery-green or pale olive-green stripes and edge with lots of pearly tubercles (warts) in the upper and under sides.

More info: “Gasteria cv. Little Warty” Text available under a CC-BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution License. 14 Nov. 2005. 30 Oct 2024. </Encyclopedia/SUCCULENTS/Family/Aloaceae/989/Gasteria_cv._Little_Warty>

Item Weight & Dimensions:

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
